Stream and Wetland Mitigation

  • Determine Mitigation Potential
  • Develop / Permit Mitigation Plans
  • Stream Restoration / Enhancement Plans
  • Wetland Restoration / Enhancement Plans
  • Mitigation Project Construction Oversight
  • Restoration Monitoring
  • Permitting for On-Site Mitigation
  • Mitigation In Lieu Fee and Bank Credit Approval
Stream & Wetland Mitigation Services
Stream and wetland mitigation projects can involve mitigating for permitted impacts, resolving Notice of Violations, or establishing mitigation credits. Atlas Environmental has been involved with mitigation in many different ways including negotiating plans with federal and state agencies, developing construction and planting details for stream and wetland restoration and enhancement projects, construction oversight, project installations, as-built surveys, and annual monitoring.

Stream Restoration Project

Watauga County, North Carolina

Year 1

Year 1 - a
Year 1 - b

Year 2

Year 2 - a
Year 2 - b

Year 3

Year 3 - a
Year 3 - b

Year 4

Year 4 - a
Year 4 - b